Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Japanese Birth Experience

So my overall experience with the Japanese doctors and delivery was.... AMAZING! Who care that the epidural didnt take? He got it in without causing me nerve damage, and he helped me bring a big healthy bundle of joy into this world. The nurses were absolutely awesome, minus the fact that the language was a little trying from time to time but even with that being said, they took wonderful care of me and my baby boy. I wouldn't have had it any other way! I would definitely recommend ppl having their babies with Dr. Shoji vs ANY American hospital. Dr. Shoji is over 70 years old, been delivering babies for over 45 years, delivering American babies for over 30 years.... That's longer than most American doctors have had their freakin PH.D's.... So what he dont talk that much during the appt's? He talks during labor and he's very encouraging and he roots ya on like a coach at a ballgame. I just cant say enough good things about my experience! I really hope n pray that everyone can find a way to have a great experience out there in the future too. Just dont have expectations, otherthan expecting your dr to do his job (whether it be done the way you think it should be or not is not the case) and things will go great~ I'm soooo glad that I experienced this and its definitely a story I'll share with ANYONE that wishes to know in more detail about it... My son, Bricen, was born Dec 28, 2009 and weighed 10 lbs 8 oz and 22 1/2 inches long.  He was born all natural, a traditional Japanese birthing experience. 

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