Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's not just about the rank or money

April 1, 2011 my amazing husband pinned on Ssgt. He was deployed up in the Northern part of Japan helping with the humanitarian relief from the aftermath of the 9.0 earthquake that rocked northern Japan in March 2011. Most people automatically think "woot woot more money" but to us, it was more like "shew ok that's 1 major step in his career that he has accomplished, now on to the next one." The extra pay, which isn't as much as you think it would be, is nice and appreciated, but it all goes into a savings account for our kids college fund so it's not like we benefit from it on a daily basis. Others would think "woot woot higher rank means less work cause you can pass it down to the junior marines, get out of work early, deploy less, be home more, etc..." Well let me tell you, those that think like that are just simply ignorant! Sorry but it's true. The more rank your husband/wife gets, the responsibility, duties, work load, and stress they receive. Yes there are perks to it, but Brian has worked longer hours and put in more "at home work" time since he picked up than he has in his entire career it seems. We never really see him, he's either at work, teaching a class, attending a class, or at pt. He also plays basketball, football, softball and baseball for extra curricular activities. He plays a guitar with a group of guys whenever they get a chance to do a show. He deploys a lot here in Japan as well. So for those of you that think, more rank, more play... you are SADLY mistaken. I would give anything to have more time with him but I know that he is a Marine and he has duties. Him picking up another rank just started a new chapter in our lives, so far it's been a fun journey. 9 years in the Marine Corps and counting, 11 more til retirement. I love my devil dog and am very proud to be called a Marine Wife. Rah <3

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