Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Japan... Land of Peace and Purity

One of the many many things that I will miss about Japan is the sunrises and sunsets. They are just absolutely breath-taking! I've never in my life seen such beauty in the skies. It seems as if the Heavens open up and let their light shine through twice a day here. Maybe I'm just older now and have learned to slow down and cherish the more simple things in life, or maybe I'm just corny. HAHA Either way, I am beyond thankful for this AMAZING experience! We are planning on doing a tour in the states then requesting Japan again for another 3 years. We love it here so much. I really do not want to leave, I just want to go home to visit then return to my new "home." I have met some pretty amazing ppl here and I've met some pretty shady ppl here. Such is life right? Their are good and bad things in life no matter where in the world we go. I just roll with the punches and make the best of it all. I have never been one to let negativity stop me from having fun, and I'm too old to start now. Japan has so many beauties and over a period of time I will blog about each of them.

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