Friday, July 29, 2011

I love knowing that I make her laugh so much!

Amanda Palfreyman, wow! This girl was my next door neighbor for 2 years here in Iwakuni, Japan. We became the best of friends, more like sisters, and as our tours here in Japan come to an end, the tears begin to roll. We have less than a year left here together, our husbands have been deployed SO MANY TIMES together, we've spent more nights together than apart, Amanda and I. Her hubby is now deployed to war :( and every time she is alone, its like I can feel her pain, emptiness, loneliness, and sadness. This girl means the world to me, let me just be frank about it, I love her to pieces! We've shared some great memories together, and I plan to see to it that this last year here together is spent making many many more! Brian will deploy during this last year as well, so there will be many more nights spent together with her, being lonely and sad together. It's wives/friends like her that make the life we lead so much easier though! She has the patience of 30 people, the heart of gold, she's so smart, way smarter than she will ever give herself credit for!! she has an amazing husband, 3 wonderful children, whom I adore! This family is not just friends we made along the way, they are now family members that I will see to it that we see and stay in touch with over the rest of our lives! I love ya girl, and I'm always gonna be here!

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