Sunday, August 14, 2011

Miyajima Festival n Fireworks show

Over 3,000 people, 2 train rides, 2 ferry boat rides, more smells than I care to share, drunk people, fireworks, and frustration out the roof..... we made it to and from the Miyajima festival. It was one of those "check in the box" festivals, nothing that I would ever fight that crowd for again, but glad I got to say I went. The horrid smell of body odor, sweat, bad breath, and urine was overwhelming. Japanese, NOT ALL, but MOST, smell TERRIBLE. Grant it they work LONG hours and are away from home more than they are at home but DAMN!!!! LOL Anyhow, the kids enjoyed the fireworks and all the yummy food plus they were able to get snow cones which in a child's eyes, MAKES IT ALL BETTER!!! LOL The crowds were terrible, Japanese people are really aggressive when they are trying to get from point a to point b, and it's exhausting trying to fight a crowd like that. Overall though it was a great day for the Jones' at Miyajima. <3

Today did mark a very sad but sweet day though, Bricen went up another size in diapers/pull-ups, and we are debating on potty training with him. He's ears are still doing great, and his last 4 baby teeth are breaking the skin and should be through within the week. Lots going on in our lives, as usual, and lots of growing up and time passing to quickly to keep up with, but we are taking each moment as God gives them to us and just cherishing them! Goodnight <3

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Ok so while up north, I saw a sign that said something to the effect of "Officer's Country no trespassing unless authorized or an official visitor, no pedestrians, or motorists allowed." All I could think of was, "hmm now if we aren't allowed to even drive through (as it's a short cut!!) I wonder what "illegal" or "not allowed" things are going on inside the "officer's country." I'm sure nothing, but still. Ok so they worked hard in school and got a degree. I'm proud! But they are HUMANS and in my opinion, NO BETTER THAN A PFC STRAIGHT OUTTA BOOT CAMP. They ALL put their lives on the line, they ALL signed that SAME contract. Why should they get "off limits" areas but yet any Tom Dick n Harry can drive through the enlisted members housing sections? Why are the enlisted member's families any less important that they don't deserve the same protection and privacy? This sign REALLY bothers me. Makes me want to become an officer and REFUSE to live in "Officer's Country" and DEMAND to live amongst the enlisted to prove a point... Degree or no degree, military members are all the same at the end of the day! An individual who made a choice to serve their country, to die for their country. God created us all equal, so who do these people think they are and what right do they think their degrees have given them to be able to "ban" people from "their" area??????" I respect officers for their hard work and dedication all through their school years and military careers. I think they deserve respect just as all military members do. But I don't agree with the "OFFICER'S COUNTRY, DO NOT ENTER" crap. Sorry, but I don't.

LOL oh how stupidity humors me!

Ever witnessed something or something that was just beyond dumb? I have, and I'm sure some of you reading this are thinking, "yea I have ever since I met you Heather." LOL Well you know, I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I do have common sense. I sit back and watch and listen when people think I'm just out in no man's land. I witness some of the dumbest crap ever! I can't believe my own eyes sometimes! The things that happen in this world and the things people do anymore are just humorous and amazing to me. They belittle others, when they themselves are lower than the person they belittle, they judge things without even having a clue as to what that "thing" even is. Over the past few months I've been listening and watching in the shades and I have had some of the best laughs... LOL... I know this seems sad or pathetic to some, but I know I'm not the only one who finds things and people humorous. <3

Bricen's surgery

Waking up at 5am to arrive at the hospital at 6am. Was taken downstairs around 645am and he went back for surgery at 744am.  He was such a champ! He drank 1 little sip of the "drunk juice" and that's it but it was enough to make him loopy so he didn't freak out when they took him away from me. We played with cars as we waited. The surgery didn't take long at all, he was back in my arms at 8am. He woke up in a panic, screaming, kicking, swinging, but eyes still shut. He wasn't sure how to respond to the sleepy meds but that only lasted around 30 minutes. He soon went into a comatose sleep mode LOL. We snuggled in the hospital bed together for a little over an hour til he woke up. He said first thing, "momma, I wanna eat eat!" LOL We were discharged and headed to dunkin donuts and starbucks. Yes he LOVED coffee. I got him a small caramel frappe and a blueberry cake donut. <3 Pure simplicity and it melted this momma's heart! We did the last of our shopping then headed for the hotel where we got hot cocoa and cereal for a snack. We played and watched tv then he napped for about 5 hours as I packed and did our laundry. Pizza was our YUMMY dinner (delivery) which he ate 4 BIG slices!!! Holy crap I was in shock! He was really hungry!! We snuggled more the night before, the day of and the night of his surgery than we have since he was a newbie! I was soaking it all up and cherishing each snuggle! His surgery went perfectly and the dr said he will make a great recovery!

Just a catch up.....

Wow its been FOREVER since I took the time to seriously blog!!! I miss it! Anywho, so the day of fear and has n went, and I still won't go into detail on that one, sorry ya'll but if you know me, then you remember what that was all about! So glad that is over even though we are not 100% outta the water yet!! But we have heads above water and we're treadin n not drowning so life is great! :)

Bric's surgery and our mini getaway for 2 in Yokosuka. Overall the trip (traveling part) SUCKED MAJOR BIG BALLS!!! However, I am so very blessed that his surgery went perfectly, God was right there to see us both through it, and brought my baby out of it just fine! We went and had dunkin donuts n starbucks 2 hrs after the surgery!!! PRAISE GOD!! I have never in my life realized just how precious the small moments are until this week. Having one on one time with my baby who isn't such a baby anymore meant so much to me! Xavier n I had everyday together for almost 4 solid years and I think I forgot how precious those one on one moments are!! I am so grateful Bric n I had this opportunity! It was a blast for the both of us and I know I sure enjoyed it!!

To tell you a little about my terrible traveling experiences though.... On the way up there, a Japanese man told me to move out of my seat because he didn't want to sit beside me n Bric. (His seat was the window seat) Y'all know me well enough to know that I bucked and was like.... UM NO I PAID FOR THIS SEAT, HERE'S MY TICKET, YOU MOVE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SIT HERE. So he did, as he I'm sure cussed me in Japanese. Then another lady came to sit in that seat, she sat there for about 30 minutes then moved cause we "crowded" her. (She was a big lady and having the arm rest down between her seat and Bric's cut into her sides which I'm sure was not comfortable but still, next time, buy 2 seat tickets!! Then on the way back, today, I was told that there were 0 reserved seats due to it being a Japanese holiday. NEVER AGAIN WILL I TRAVEL VIA TRAIN ON A JAPANESE HOLIDAY!!!! So I took a non reserved seat ticket WHICH I'LL NEVER AGAIN DO IN MY LIFE!!! I stood for a little over an hour due to there being 0 seats open in the non reserved section. As I stand struggling to change, feed Bric lunch, keep him happy, and get out of everyone's way the best I could as I was crunched up against the door, not one person offered me their seat. They just stared and whispered as I struggled and Bricen screamed with tears rolling. Finally 3 elder Japanese men stood up for me against the train crew and demanded they do their jobs and find me a seat. They refused. :-/ Finally a young girl in her early 20's I'm sure offered me hers, I rejected it, but she insisted, so I sat. Bricen and I was able to sleep for a little over an hour, then we played n had a snack over another hour or so's period of time. I couldn't get to a bathroom or changing area, had no floor space to change him nor seat space. He ended up peeing out of his diaper onto me 4 different times. As I struggled to change him standing up, he pees in the floor :-/ By this time we are both soaked in pee, embarrassed, hungry, tired, sweaty, smelly, and exhausted! We FINALLY reach Hiroshima where I strip him naked on the platform while waiting on our last train and change him AGAIN! We almost miss that train due to it stopping 1/4 way up the track instead of coming on down where it should've came. UGH!!!!!

End of story, we made it home!! Safely, exhausted and smelly, but safely!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thursday, the day of fear

I'm not going into details in this blog, I just want to simply to put my thoughts n feelings on paper to hopefully clear my head some. Today is a HUGE day in our military lives. At the end of the day, life for us could change completely or it could go on as we know it but it with a higher appreciation level. Lately I have been so super depressed and feeling disconnected from life in general along with my spiritual side. I've been trying to reconnect but it's so hard to do alone. I am hoping that I can witness and show my changes enough that my husband will want to join in. Stress is taking over me lately, I need to do Yoga or meditate or something to help fine my inner peace. (if I have any left.) I just seem to be a worry wort again and I thought I had out grown that. :-/ It just seems that lately it's been more bad news than good. Maybe that's a sign that I'm a bad person??? I'm trying to be better, I'm trying to do more giving and 0 taking. I try to never ask for help, always offering help, and it seems that in the end, all I get out of it is bad news.